Last updated on: July 29th, 2022

Accessibility and Acadly

Our commitment towards an inclusive experience

With Acadly, we are committed to providing an inclusive, rewarding teaching - learning experience for all our users. Since inception, we have tried to ensure that we continuously keep ourselves updated with the accessibility guidelines. As of now, we set store by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Guidelines based on Section 508.

Incremental improvement

Given that Acadly is still in its infancy, we understand that our efforts have to be unwavering and continuous to create a beneficial platform for all students and instructors. In that quest, while we comply with most of the requirements as set by Level AA Compliance guidelines, we know we still have to improve. In the following paragraph, we will outline our plans to be sufficiently compliant incrementally.

Accessibility plan

While Acadly's web application is already sufficiently compliant with the Level AA requirements, we are constantly looking for traps and failings in our applications. Since the application's architecture itself is in just in its third iteration, we plan to create a better, more accessible architecture by September 2024. The main aim is to be semantically compliant with no exceptions. We have allotted reasonable resources to accomplish this and are confident of providing an exceptional usability experience to all our users.

Supporting documentation

Acadly's Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT2.2 WCAG July 2022) documenting Acadly's (Web application) accessibility compliance is available for review.

Acadly's Web Application Accessibility Roadmap details the path to Acadly's web application being completely compliant by September 2024.

Contact and Info

Any questions or concerns can be addressed to Vaibhav Vashisht at We would respond within 24 hours.